Hire local.

Why it’s helpful in recruitment –

For the longevity of the employee, if you can pull from the area where people live, where their kids go to school – hence our community newspapers – those people are likely to stick around longer. What that means for you? Less time spent hiring and training and more time improving your business and meeting your goals. It’s more cost effective in the long run.

We may not have as large a distribution as the major daily, but we definitely have quality in our audiences. Also, depending on what openings you have, there may be some excellent recruiting talent in high school ages for weekends or after school – I think “perfect” for high turnover areas (which typically means less pay).

If you need to fill a more specialized, higher paying position, our readers make great candidates for these jobs too. Our readers are highly educated and sixty-three percent of households have incomes over $50,000.

Just food for thought when you are wondering where to place that next employment ad.